Monday 26 November 2018

On the weekend I went hunting and got a deer and went surf casting and I court 2 spiky dogs, 2 rig and 1 big thing that got off and went swimming at the river with my mum, dad, brother, sister and dog.Image result for rig fish RIG 
Image result for spiky dog fish


Friday 26 October 2018

This week we mainly did tests but we did some country study. My country is Uruguay did you know that the capital of Uruguay is Montevideo.

Friday 14 September 2018

This week we made our names for PrEP in my group their is me, Blake, Simeon, Reilly and Adi.

My group makes tin lanterns our name is Lucky Lanterns and how we make the lanterns is to hit a nail into the tin with a hammer to make cool patterns. Then you take it home and put a candle in the tan and at night it makes a cool pattern in the room.
Image result for can lantern

Monday 13 August 2018

This week for free writing I  began to make an argument about the use of 1080. Here are the ideas I have so far.

Friday 3 August 2018

Today my class made a video on self reapect here it is . self reapect has been our topic for last week and this week and here are some of the things we lered: we lered that we need  to hold our computers with two hands, talk nicely to others, have confidence in your self and others.

Tuesday 27 February 2018

Food Pyramid

 Over the past couple of weeks  we have been looking  at  fruits and veges. Today we created our own food pyramids with some of our favrourite foods.