Thursday, 7 November 2019

My week

This week I have not been at school because I had surgery to get a tooth remothed so I have not got to do a lot of work but this is what I have done.

Thursday, 24 October 2019

My Super Power DLO

This week on Monday me and my class made a DLO about our super powers. Our super power is something that we are good at. I found this activity quite easy to do. The hardest part was trying to figure out what I'm good at. It is much easier to tell other people what they are good at than to talk about yourself.  Once we had thought of our super power we had to think of all of the skills we used and were learning when we were doing this activity. Here is mine...

Friday, 18 October 2019

The RWC Tabloid Sports

 This week on Monday my school celebrated the Rugby World Cup in Japan. My school had set up some activities for the day. Everyone was in teams and there were all the flags from the countries that particapate in the world cup. My favourite activities were Rippa Rugby as well as French and English.

Friday, 20 September 2019

Current Events - AREA 51 RAID TOMORROW

Today my class had to do a blog post  about some thing that had to be from a news site so I chose this because it will be hopefuly be happening tomorrow on the 20th of September. Here is some info about it. 

It was supposed to be a fun joke. Create an event on Facebook that was so absurd, everyone would have a laugh, see a meme and then move on with their lives.
Instead, Matty Roberts got a visit from the FBI, the Air Force has warned it is ready for anything and rural Lincoln County, Nevada, US, is preparing to declare a state of emergency.
In late June, Roberts, a 20-year-old from Bakersfield, posted his Facebook event: "Storm Area 51, They Can't Stop All of Us."
The idea was simple. Overwhelm the top-secret Nevada military site with people storming the gates in search of the truth behind conspiracy theories and television shows including The X-Files.
The post got little attention at first, but a few days later it started to go viral, and by mid-July more than 1 million people said on Facebook they were planning to attend.
The authorities soon heard about the plan and, were not happy. It wasn't long before Roberts began backpedalling.

I wonder if it will go ahead or not?

Friday, 30 August 2019

Current event quiz

In the news this week an unusual statue was moved from Christchurch to Wellington  people will say it is scary and some say it is funny. I think it is funny and a little bit scary. Image result for hand statue

Friday, 2 August 2019

Street map

This is a map I have been working on with my friends it is not finished yet How we did it. First we took some co-ordinates and had to make roads .For example we had to make two parallal roads I found this hard because I do not like to draw so I did not do a lot of the drawing but I am going to colour the rest of it in.